Released by Oakley in 1998, the Time Bomb (TB) was Oakley's first move into the watch market. The watch was designed by Peter Yee (@peteryeedesign) and features the same sleek wing design from the Oakley M Frame, with a domed sapphire crystal that was unlike any other watch produced at the time - made from a sculptured casing of pure X-Metal Titanium that came with an RRP of $1500.
"The Time Bomb was incredibly disruptive in the watch industry… it’s a very conservative design space, and they were like, ‘What the fuck is this thing?" - Brian Takumi (@briantakumi)
The Time Bomb came in three different finishes; Brushed Titanium, Polished Titanium & an Ion Plated Black - With 8 different colour faces also available; Titanium, White, Black, Carbon Fibre, Cannon Yellow, Cannon Red, Blue & Emerald; with an 18KT gold version of the watch that was famously worn by Michael Jordan (@jumpman23) (Only 100 of these watches were ever made). The TB had two generations that are completely identical apart from the Oakley 'Icon' on the band.
The Time Bomb is a mechanical watch, featuring Seiko's Quartz #5M42, a kinetic movement that uses Oakley's 'Inertial Generator' to power a capacitor that can hold up to 14 days of charge.
The watch features a lume-coated (glow in the dark) hour & minute hand, with a smaller second hand and a chronometer at the 6 O'clock position. The watch also has Unobtanium inner inserts, and a crown branded with the Oakley 'Icon'.
This example of the Time Bomb is in brand new condition. with its original box.